The most important feature of the human being is the ability of thinking. Human should be able to develop their own thinking skills based on their experiences and ideas. It is aimed to provide the individual's thinking development by taking into account the individual characteristics during the education in our schools. When an individual encounters a problem, he reaches a solution with different ways of thinking. The individual with analytical thinking skills will be able to define the parts of the problem and the steps in the process of solving. It is expected that prospective teachers who will raise individuals of the future will have analytical thinking skills by dealing with individual differences. Therefore, in order to determine the level of thinking styles used by prospective teachers in solving problems, it is aimed to investigate the level of analytical thinking of prospective teachers. The research was carried out on the prospective teachers of mathematics teaching of a public university education faculty. In order to determine the level of analytical thinking of prospective teachers, quantitative research method was preferred and Holistic and Analytical Thinking Scale was applied. Descriptive analysis of data obtained from prospective teachers was evaluated.
Keywords: Prospective teachers, Analytical Thinking, Holistic and Analytical Thinking Scale.
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