This study investigated the fit between the EFL teachers’ beliefs and practice regarding gender in the Cyprus Turkish secondary state schools context. The data was collected through quantitative means. 81 English language teachers in the secondary schools participated in the study. The data was collected by means of a questionnaire which had two main components as “beliefs” and “practice”. For the purpose of statistical analysis, the belief and practice items of the questionnaire were paired (20 pairs were formed) and the data was subjected to two-tailed t-test to measure whether there was a significant difference between the female teachers and male teachers regarding “belief - practice” relationship. The analysis of the impact of gender on “belief- practice” relationship showed that female and male teachers were very similar to each other in their responses. The female teachers’ reported perceptions for the paired items showed significant results in 11 pairs whereas the male teachers’ reported perceptions indicated significant results in 9 pairs.
Key Words: Belief, practice, ELF teachers, EFL learning and teaching, gender.
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