The study aims to describe the construction of the 21st century competency-based curriculum development, focusing on constructing 21st century competency-based curriculum development in accordance with global demands to meet the learning needs of students. Researchers conducted research at MI Bilingual Roudlotul Jannah. The techniques of study are through interview, documentation and observation. The researcher collects data through interviews about how to construct the 2013 curriculum development based on 21st century competence, and the researcher observed about the construction of 2013 curriculum development based on 21st century competence at MI Bilingual Roudlotul Jannah. Researchers collect data related to the construction of curriculum development in checking the Lesson Plan (RPP) in the documentation process. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman validity according to Maxwell where there is descriptive validity, interpretive validity, theoretical validity, generalization and evaluative validity. The finding of research is the construction of the 2013 curriculum development in 21st century competencies in the development of lesson plans developed in the aspects of objectives, materials and HOTS-based assessment with separate learning. In conclusion, the construction of curriculum development is seen in the construction of the Learning Implementation Plan where the indicators or objectives are different from the 2013 curriculum. 21st century competencies encourage children to be ready to face global challenges.
Keywords: The construction, 2013 curriculum development, 21th century competency, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.
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