
  • Özhan BAVLI Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Physical Education and Sport Department, Canakkale, Turkey


The aim of this study was to investigate the physical activity level of the Physical Education and Sport Teacher Departments’ Students. Totally 149 student who were study in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Physical Education and Sport Teacher Department, joined to study voluntary. International Physical Activity Questionary (IPAQ) short form used to collect data. One Way Anova, T-Test and Pearson Correlation models used in SPSS 11,5 statistical program. Analysis showed that; participants’ physical activitylevels (PAL)  of classes1,2,3 and 4 were: 7341,9±3068,7 MET-min/wk, 5817,1±3039,2 MET min/wk, 5686,1±3605,3 MET min/wk, 2780,1±1854,7 MET-min/wk respectively. ANOVA showed that class 4 had significantly lover PAL than the other classes. T-test showedthat females had  significantly lover PAL than males. PAL had significant but negative correlation with class and body mass index. As a conlucion; there was significantly differences between classes according the PAL. It is possible to say that; students’ PAL  should examine regularly and make arrangements on curriculum to help them stayphysically activemay prevent such differencesbetween classes.

Keywords: Sport, Physical activity, Physical education.


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