Constructivist education programs have been considered an important change in Turkish education system. With this change, new material and techniques have rapidly appeared to achieve learning and teaching and retrieval of knowledge in the long-term. One such material used by teachers in many countries including Turkey is lapbooks. The word lapbook means folded book or handbook. In this study, effects of lapbooks developed by third grade primary school students while studying the unit Journey to the World of Living Things in Science classes on their academic performance and academic self-efficacy were investigated. The study has a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and a post-test and an unmatched control group. The study sample included all third grade students of a private primary school in İzmir, Turkey. Purposive sampling, a nonprobability sampling method, was used to select the study sample. A pre- and post-test was developed to measure academic performance. The Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, developed by Jinks and Morgan (2003) and adapted to Turkish by Öncü (2012), was utilized to determine academic self-efficacy. Lapbooks were significantly effective in academic performance of the students in Science classes. However, they did not create a significant difference in academic self-efficacy.
Keywords: Lapbook, science, academic performance, academic self-efficacy.
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www.thehomeschoolscientist.com (Retrieved from: 17.10.2018)
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