This study aims to reveal adolescents' views on art-based democracy education applied to raise awareness of the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in a democracy. The study is qualitative research conducted through action research, one of the qualitative research designs. The study group of the research consisted of 24 students attending the eighth grade of a secondary school in Bursa. To collect data, an art-based democracy education program consisting of 10 sessions, two hours a week, including creative drama, music, painting, and literature, was implemented for students to acquire democratic values. Students' opinions were obtained through structured observation of individual and focus group interviews. The results obtained from the sessions were described by the qualitative data analysis technique and interpreted according to the dimensions and values of democracy. According to the study results, the use of art-based practices in the education of a different discipline, such as democracy, was welcomed positively by all children in the study. It was observed that the children's acquisition of sub-values of democracy increased with art-based democracy education and that they were willing to apply these values to their lives. In addition, the interviews conducted before and after the education revealed that children had more knowledge about their rights, freedoms, and responsibilities after such an applied education.
Keywords: Democracy education, education through art, creative drama, adolescence.
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