This study investigates how middle school pre-service mathematics teachers use the mathematical models in fraction division. A case study research design was used on a study group consists of 37 senior pre-service teachers studying in the middle school mathematics teacher education program in academic year of 2019-2020 at a state university. As a data collection tool, the participants were asked to respond to an open-ended question to analyze how they explain "1/7: 3/4" using models. The results revealed that the pre-service teachers had difficulties in explaining the given operation using models. Further, the pre-service teachers either modeled only the result or represented the dividend and divisor on the model while dividing fractions using models. Some of the pre-service teachers either did not respond to the question or used incorrect models that do not show the meaning of the operation. The obtained results suggest that more specific courses should be incorporated into the curricula of undergraduate mathematics teacher education programs to enhance the pre-service teachers' content knowledge, and the teaching of the concepts that students have difficulty in making sense of should be increased.
Keywords: Content knowledge, division fraction, model, pre-service mathematics teachers.
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