In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions and solution proposals of gifted and talented students. The study group was comprised of 19 gifted and talented students who were attending the Science and Art Centers (SACs) in the Marmara Region in the fall semester of 2015-2016 education year. These students were attending the 7th to 10th grades in their formal education. In order to determine the study group, the convenience sampling method was used which is among the sampling methods. The qualitative research approach was used in the research. As the data collection tool, the “Environmental Problems Semi-Structured Interview Form” was used, which was developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed though the content analysis and descriptive analysis methods. As the conclusion of the research, it was determined that gifted and talented students mostly emphasized environmental problems in our day such as water and air pollution, and global warming. However, it was also determined that the students emphasized less about the environmental problems such as biodiversity loss, acid rains, the loss of agricultural lands, deforestation, and genetically modified products. Students mostly mentioned that the environmental problems mainly result from lack of education and consciousness in the society, and due to environmental polluting elements. As a solution for the environmental problems, students proposed recycling and treatment of waste, educating individuals about the environment, re-regulating laws, and increasing inspections. Students stated that, in the future, water pollution, global warming, and radiation pollution will emerge as the environmental problems. The majority of the gifted and talented students stated that they will make contributions to solve the environmental problems in the future, but a significant number of students mentioned that they did not want to deal with these issues.
Keywords: Gifted and talented students, environmental education, environmental problems, Science and Art Centers, qualitative research.
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