The aim of this study is to emerge the effect of enneagram on group work in 7th grade mathematics teaching. The research was designed based on a pretest-posttest control group model. The sample consists of 36 7th grade students studying in a public school in 2009-2010 academic year. The research subject was processed by using enneagram with 18 students in experimental group, without using enneagram with 18 students in control group. Application took 4 weeks, 4 hours in each one. During the research, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Data were obtained via "Mathematics Achievement Test", "Enneagram Personality Scale", and enneagram exercises. Quantitative data was obtained by using SPSS 15.0 statistic package program; qualitative data, on the other hand, was obtained by applying exercises and from the feedback of the exercises. When analyzed the study results after the experimental process, it was observed that there was not a significant difference between the achievement test scores of the students in experimental group applied group work using enneagram and in the control group applied group work without using enneagram in favor of the experimental group. However, after the experimental process, it was seen that the mean of the achievement test scores of the students in experimental group applied group work using enneagram was higher than the mean of the achievement test scores of the students in control group applied group work without using enneagram. In addition, it was observed that mathematics achievement test scores of the groups composed of different personality types might show differences according to the groups.
Keywords: Enneagram, Mathematics Teaching, Group Work, Collaborative Learning.
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