
  • Evren ERZEN Artvin Çoruh University, Artvin, Turkey
  • Meltem YURTÇU Artvin Çoruh University, Artvin, Turkey


The aim of this study is to investigate whether the prospective teachers’ self compassion levels differ according to some variables such as gender, branch, family income level, and perception of success and also the relation of their self compassion with age. In the frame of this basic aim, in the study, survey method is used which is generally used for finding out current conditions. The sample consists of 260 students of 2010-2011 educational year’s spring term at the departments of Elementary Science, Music, Art, Early Childhood Education and Primary Teaching Education in Fatih Education Faculty of Karadeniz Technical University. As data collection tools, in addition to personal information form, Self Compassion Scale that is adapted to Turkish by Akın and his colleagues (2007) are used. For data analysis SPSS 16.00 program is used. Independent t-test and one-way ANOVA are used in order to find out whether the teachers’ self-compassion levels differ according to their gender, family income level, perception of success, and the university departments they study, in other words their branches and their relation with age. In order to find out which groups result in difference, Post Hoc analysis is done and Bonferroni test is used for this Post Hoc analysis. The results of analyses show that teachers’ family income levels and their perception of success cause significant difference on their self-compassion levels. However, no significant difference is found between the teachers’ self compassion levels and their gender, age and branches. The findings are discussed in the light of literature.

Keywords: Self-compassion, prospective teachers.


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