
  • Cemal KARA Karşıyaka State Hospital, Department of General Surgery, İzmir, TURKEY
  • Alper SÖZÜTEK Mersin University Medical Faculty, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Mersin,TURKEY
  • Türker KARABUĞA Konya Bozkir State Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Konya,TURKEY
  • İsmail YAMAN Balıkesir University Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Balıkesir,TURKEY
  • Ali Doğan BOZDAĞ Adnan Menderes Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Aydin,TURKEY
  • Hayrullah DERİCİ Balıkesir University Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Balıkesir,TURKEY
  • Hakan AYGÜN Karşıyaka State Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, İzmir,TURKEY
  • Duyguhan İŞGÜVEN Antakya State Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Hatay, TURKEY


This study was conducted to evaluate the postgraduate condition of the doctors who worked in surgery units of state and university hospitals in our country. A total of 6 hospitals including 3 university and 3 state hospitals participated in this study. The condition of postgraduate education of the doctors was evaluated with a mini questionnaire. University and state hospitals were categorized as group 1 and 2; respectively. A total of 100 doctors including 51 from university and 49 from state hospital enrolled in this study. The median number of annual attended congress, the range of regular journal follow and the mean number of regular followed journals was statistically better group 1 than group 2. Program was assessed as sufficient for 56 % in group 1, while none for 100% in group 2. Postgraduate education is so important for the doctors in terms of following recent developments in their treatment approaches. Unfortunately, it is notable that there is a significant difference between university and state hospitals with regard of this situation in Turkey. 

Keywords: evaluating, postgraduate education, Turkey.


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