After the dissolution of the USSR (25 December 1991), Turkish countries gain their liberty and constitued their education constitutions. The problem statement of this study can be expressed as: “When the compulsory education and the structures of primary education are compared what are the similarities and the differences in Turkey and in these 4 Turkish countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyryzgstan, Uzbekistan)?” Within the framework of a 12 year compulsory education 4 years, of primary, 8 years of seondary education (4 years of middle school (college) and 4 years of high school) were determined in Turkey. But in these 4 Turkish countries the compulsory education cover the primary and the secondary levels and it takes 11 years. When the the duration of primary education change in 3-4 years, it takes 4 years in Azebaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Also, within this study, the structures of primary education systems in Turkey and in these 4 Turkish countries will analyze comparatively.
Key words: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyryzgstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, compulsory education, primary education.
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