
  • Senem Seda ŞAHENK ERKAN Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey


After the dissolution of the USSR (25 December 1991), Turkish countries gain their liberty and constitued their education constitutions. The problem statement of this study can be expressed as: “When the compulsory education and the structures of primary education are compared what are the similarities and the differences in Turkey and in these 4 Turkish countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyryzgstan, Uzbekistan)?” Within the framework of a 12 year compulsory education 4 years, of primary, 8 years of seondary education (4 years of middle school (college) and 4 years of high school) were determined in Turkey. But in these 4 Turkish countries the compulsory education cover the primary and the secondary levels and it takes 11 years. When the the duration of primary education change in 3-4 years, it takes 4 years in Azebaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Also, within this study, the structures of primary education systems in Turkey and in these 4 Turkish countries will analyze comparatively.

Key words: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyryzgstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, compulsory education, primary education.


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Research Article