This research aims to provide a source for string students who study the string quartets of Turkish composers in chamber music courses. In addition to this the study will be an opportunity for the teachers of music schools around the world and the professional string quartet musicians to get acquainted with these pieces. The research is limited to the string quartets of Necil Kazım Akses, one of the modern composers known as “the Turkish Five”. The name Turkish Five that was first used by the Turkish writer and teacher Halil Bedii Yönetken stems from the fact that these musicians were the first Turkish musicians who have received formal Music education in Europe. Necil Kazım Akses is the youngest of “The Turkish Five”. He has an innovative approach in his composing. This approach transforms Akses’s music into an intense, complex and from time to time atonal piece. The rhythmic and musical characteristics of Turkish traditional music is wed in an aleatoric approach. Along the scope of the study, information about their first performances, sound recordings, the lengths of the pieces and their structures are given. An evaluation about the string instruments technique are also given. This article is of importance to musicians who carry out studies about chamber music.
Keywords: Necil Kazım Akses, String Quartets, The Turkish Five
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