Literature has become an invaluable subject which has added a great value and contribution to the teaching of English language and the discovery of many other developed ideas. Literature produces an exhilarating impulse that imprints a lasting picture on the mind of a learner. Many researchers have devised many means and approaches to teach languages, but it has remained unconvincing because it has only produced little results. Making use of a method that eliminates monotony and boring moment in learners is a good factor that enhances students’ motivation for learning. In this sense, literature and language become unavoidable components that aid an intellectual development. This study examines the indispensability of literature as a means of teaching EFL in the classrooms. The researcher has developed many instructive activities which are believed will help EFL students to improve their English grammar. The results make it clear that literature allows learners to give more attention and develop more interest for study. In giving a perspicacious linguistic development, literature therefore remains an essential tool for teaching language in the classrooms.
Key Words: Teaching vocabulary, poetry, EFL classroom.
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