Global warming and wildfires are one of the most important scientific issues of the twenty-first century. This is a problem that has serious ecological and sociological implications. To prevent the problems that arise, environmental education and environmental awareness are important. Consequently, members of humanity should be aware of their responsibilities regarding the environment. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of eighth grade students about global warming and wildfires with the context of Data Processing Learning Domain. The participants of the study were 27 8th grade students from a secondary school. The research was completed via a qualitative study based on the case study; data collection tools were eleven open-ended questions about global warming and wildfires on data processing. According to results of content analysis, students know that the global warming and wildfires are dangerous and harmful for humanity and wildlife. But students have difficulties about displaying data, analyzing and interpreting data, interpreting graphs and converting graphs to each other. Thus, it is suggested to design learning environments for students to be able to experience data processing as a whole. Moreover, environmental education should be introduced to all levels of education. It is suggested that it is important to make educational programs built on environmental education more widespread.
Keywords: Global warming, wildfires, data processing learning domain, 8th grade students.
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