In this research, the correlation among learning and studying strategies, problem solving skills and locus of control levels of candidates of primary school teachers' was investigated. In this study, correlational survey method which is one of the quantitative research methods was used. The study population formed by 6983 students who studied at the last grade of Department of Primary Education in Turkey seven faculties of education from seven different geographic regions were cluster sampling method selected as a sample. The sample was formed by totally (n=632) students from different universities, 430 of whom (68 percent) were female, 202 of whom (32 percent) were male. Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), Probem Solving Inventory (PSI), Locus of Control Scale (LOCS) were used for data collection. The statistical techniques correlations and multiple regression test were used to analyze the data. According to the results, there is a good relation between studying strategies and problem solving ability, there is a middle level, significant relation between the impetuous approach to problem-solving skills subscales, thinking approach, avoiding approach, evaluating approach, self- confident approach, planned approach scores and learning and studying strategies. Also, it was seen that there is a middle level, significant relation between studying and learning strategies and anxiety, information processing, selecting main ideas, study aids, subscales of test strategies, problem solving abilities. Between locus of control and problem solving skills there is a low- level significant relation. Between studying and learning strategies and locus of control there is a very low correlation.
Keywords: Learning and study strategies, problem solving, locus of control.
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