
  • Aylin KAPLAN European University of Lefke, North Cyprus


The general aim of this study is to evaluate scientific studies on critical thinking conducted during the period between 2010-2014 through content analysis. In this research study, which was conducted using adocumentary screening model, data was collected using adocument examination method. 374 scientific studies that were accessed from the EBSCO and ScienceDirect databases were examined, analyzed and interpreted based on different criteria. The scientific studies were examined based on the year of publication, country, method, research model, sample group, size of the sample group, data collection tools, language, number of authors, research field and number of references.

Keywords: Criticial Thinking, Criticial Thinking Approach, Content Analysis.


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Delaney, C. (2007). World war II and beyond: Middle school inquiry and critical literacy. The New England Reading Association Journal, 43(2), 30-5.

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Research Article