
  • Dinçer ÖZER University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Hasan AYDIN Yildiz Technical Unvieristy, Istanbul, Turkey


Today, women of Turkish origin who form a heterogeneous structure related to the socio-economic, political, ethnical and religious positions have become active social and decisive actors of the Netherlands. Particularly, second and third generation women of Turkish origin have achieved the integration with the social, political, economical and cultural life in the Netherlands. The traditional life-style of the second and third generation of Turkish women has changed and developed in the modern Western society in Europe. The goal of this study is to examine the political participation of second and third generation Turkish women in the Netherlands and to analyze the concrete data obtained from the inquiries and questionnaires in the light of existing observations. The reason for the evaluation of the period after 1990s of the nearly 45-year-old integration process is to demonstrate that immigrant Turkish women have shown a more tendency for the adaptation to the rules and norms of society, its social and political life in which they live in this period. Consequently, in this study, political and legal developments of Turkish women are analyzed in terms of their participation to local and national policies in the Netherlands. This study aims to research for the participation of women of Turkish origin to the public and political life;as the method of collecting data, an inquiry of 47 questions performed by 239 women participants has been preferred.

Keywords: Women of Turkish Origin, the Netherlands, political participation, integration, integration policies.


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Research Article