
  • Tuba YOKUŞ Gaziosmanpaşa University, Education Faculty, Music Education Department
  • Hamit YOKUŞ Gaziosmanpaşa University, Education Faculty, Music Education Department
  • Ş. Göktuğ KALAYCIOĞLU Gaziosmanpaşa University, Education Faculty, Music Education Department


Regulation skill of emotional situations is seen as an important and necessary initial way to manage problems, anxiety and difficulties. The purpose of this research is to analyze the cognitive emotion regulation skills of pre-service music teachers according to different variables. 278 pre-service music teachers consist of the study group of the research. In accordance of the purpose of the study, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire which is developed by Garnefski, Kraaij and Spinhoven (2001) and adapted to Turkish by Onat and Otrar (2010), is used as a means of data collection. Socio-demographic characteristics of pre-service music teachers are obtained from personal information form prepared by the researcher. As a result of the analysis on the research data, it is found that the cognitive emotion regulation skills of pre-service music teachers are significantly different in terms of various sub-dimensions as parents’ educational level, number of siblings. However, according to the variables of gender and class differences, a statistically significant difference is not found.

Keywords: Emotion regulation, music education, pre-service music teacher.


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