

The aim of this study is to evaluate a doctoral program in English language teaching of a foundation (non-profit, private) university in İstanbul, Turkey. To this end, the CIPP (context, input, process, and product) evaluation framework developed by Stufflebeam (1971) was utilized. In this study, students’ preferences and the encouraging determinants to join the program, program content, and resources, instruction in the program, roles of PhD mentors and lastly expected program outcomes were investigated. Seventeen students who are currently enrolled in the program and three program graduates participated in the study. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected via online questionnaires. Quantitative data analysis was done via descriptive statistics, and content analysis was administered for the qualitative data. The findings of the study illustrated students’ positive perceptions in terms of the certain aspects of the program, such as content, resources, instruction, and PhD mentors while a need of increase in the variety of the courses was also indicated by the students.

Keywords: Program evaluation, CIPP model, doctoral program evaluation, mentoring in higher education, English language teaching


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