
  • Necla DÖNMEZ USTA Giresun Universty, Giresun, 28200, Turkey
  • Fethiye KARSLI Giresun Universty, Giresun, 28200, Turkey
  • Alipaşa AYAS Bilkent, Universty, Ankara, 06800, Turkey


The aim of this study is to develop computer assisted instructional material including story and animations produced by using the Flash programs for the “Types of Radioactivity Degradation” in nuclear chemistry. A story called “Guess who we are? “ is improved in order to take students’ attention to the lessons, improve the period of students’ keeping the knowledge in their minds and use these materials in their daily lives. Animations about radioactivity degradation types are developed in the aim of explaining the degradation types and making these degradation types understandable. While developing those animations, both domestic and overseas web pages are searched and while being developed experts’ suggestions are taken into account. Lesson plan is preferred for pilot study. The pilot study of developed computer assisted instructional material is done with 18 students studying at 11th grade in Görele, Giresun. After the pilot study, the material was finalized by organizing the necessary parts. Considering that 11th grade Chemistry teaching program has come into force in 2010-2011 education year, it is believed that computer assisted instructional material developed in this study and including story and animations is an alternative source for the chemistry teachers and students.

Keywords: Types of Radioactivity Degradation, Animation,  Story, Computer Assisted Instructional.


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