
  • Sertaç ERCİŞ Atatürk University, School of Physical Education and Sports
  • Ahmet ŞİRİNKAN Atatürk University, School of Physical Education and Sports
  • Ş. Öykü ŞİRİNKAN Ministry of Education


This research’s aim is to research contribution of educational games aimed for football and adapted to hearing impaired students to their physical and technical development. 24 hearing impaired students participated in the research. They were aged between 9 and 12. Trainings were carried out between 60-90 minutes two days a week during 12 weeks. Directorate of national education and students’ parents gave permission for the research. Necessary research materials were provided by Atatürk University Scientific Research Projects. In the research, tests (pre and post) about physical development (dynamic balance, static balance, flexibility, leg strength, back strength, rapidness, skill) and football basic techniques ( dribbling, slalom dribble, shot, keepy upy, shooting a standing ball, shooting a moving ball) were applied to them. Frequency, percentage distribution, standard deviation and chi square values were obtained by analyzing the research data via SPSS 16. Programme. p>0,05 significant development in physical characteristics and football basic techniques of children were observed at the end of the research.

Key words: Hearing impaired, educational games, technique, football.


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Research Article