
  • Belgin ARSLAN CANSEVER Ege University Faculty of Education, Elementary Education Department, Primary Education Program, Izmir-Turkey


Rapid technological advances in the late 20th century and early 21st century have enabled children to be reared in a multi-stimulus environment that includes not only television but also computers, the Internet, cell phones, game consoles and so on.The review of literature suggests that computers and the Internet penetrate into and become an indispensable part of children’s lives at an early age. The aim of the present study is to identify levels, frequencies, durations and using types of internet usage at 8 years old children based on gender variable. Sample consists of 13 second grade students (7 female, 6 male) from a government primary school at Buca, Izmir,Turkey who were selected by appropriate sampling and their 8 (6 female, 2 male) volunteer parents.  The data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the participants in reference to the overarching questions composed by the researcher.The data were subject to descriptive analysis, a qualitative study approach. Results showed that males used internet more often and longer than females and that this difference was more pronounced during holidays. Moreover, results showed that males mostly play computer games and that females watch cartoons or play dressing-type games.  In the study, it is identified that parents are very happy about their children’s computer and internet use from young ages and that they define this issue as “catching up technology” and “preparing for future”. Parents consider that it is more important that the child is using this technology than how s/he is using it. Parental guidance about the duration and content of children’s computer and internet use can be provided via media literate competency. Childhood period is an important period in terms of growing of individuals who are aware of media literate.

Keywords: Child, computer, Internet, media literacy.


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Research Article